Who We Are
About Us
Injury and Mediation Interventions is an approved workplace rehabilitation service provider operating within the Lower and Upper Hunter, Sydney, Mid North and Central Coast Regions.
We are a local provider employing local staff residing within your community, we have the unique and precious privilege of collaborating (in-person) with all of the stakeholders involved in your recovery journey.
We are a proud signatory to the Consensus Statement on the Health Benefits of Work from the Australasian Faculty of Occupational and Environmental Medicine (AFOEM) and the Royal Australasian College of Physicians (RACP).
Once you have chosen and nominated us as your preferred workplace rehabilitation provider you will notice the benefit to you as services are provided by our highly skilled team, our team will explore with you your next steps you do not need to navigate your journey alone or without independent support from our team members.
Your interactions with our team will give you piece of mind whilst you travel along your recovery journey as workplace rehabilitation is the core of our business.
Privacy Statement Summary iandmi collects relevant personal information in order to carry out its functions of assessing your needs and providing you with an individual rehabilitation programme.
Please refer to our Privacy Policy Statement which details the approach to the collection, management, storage, handling, use, accessibility, updating and disclosure of personal and sensitive information in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988, The Privacy Amendment (Private Sector) Act 2000, the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) and Health Records and Information Privacy Act 2002 (NSW).
iandmi respects your privacy. As per the Privacy Policy Statement, you have the right to access your personal information. You have the right to correct any personal information which you think is incomplete, inaccurate or out of date. You have the right to register a complaint or incident concerning a privacy matter with iandmi Privacy Officer. Your personal information cannot be disclosed without the your permission through a consent or release of information form.
Consent It is not possible to provide workplace rehabilitation services without your consent to obtain and release relevant information. If the necessary consent is not provided to enable the Rehabilitation Consultant to have discussions with the nominated treating doctor, employer, health professionals, agent, potential employers or training organisations iandmi are unable to partner with you to achieve your recovery and return to work goals
Our Team
We bring decades of experience in improving the quality-of-service provisions within the workplace rehabilitation space, we are passionate about the wellbeing of injured and or ill workers and will support you through your injury or illness journey.
Our team has decades of experience appreciate and value the fact that all injured or ill workers are individuals with differing needs and requirements, whilst assisting you to achieve your goals in regards to adjusting to normal life and creating a happier and healthier environment we are committed to treating you and your supporting team with respect and dignity.
We encourage your active participation in the planning of your recovery journey including returning to work and will continually discourage any injured worker or other party from becoming a passive recipient of services that they feel are being imposed upon them.

What We Value
Our mission is for our team of capable, experienced and engaged professionals ensure they provide individual tailored health and wellbeing services with injured and or ill workers.
Our team is expected to demonstrate the following traits in all interactions with all persons.
Must act ethically at all times in the best interests of injured or ill workers, their families, our staff and the community.
Honest and transparent communication encouraging self-directed informed choice and decision-making to achieve lasting wellbeing.
Person-centred, goal focused and supportive health professionals embracing individual outcomes that positively impact injured and or ill workers.
Customer Service
We put our interactions/services with injured or ill workers and their treating team at the heart of our work, taking pride in delivering an exceptional and seamless customer experience in a timely, and responsive manner.
Our staff and management recognise and accept that workplace rehabilitation services are not the same for everyone. However, whether an injury or illness occurs at work, in a motor vehicle accident or at home, medical evidence reveals recovery at work has proven to be better for injured or ill workers overall health and wellness.
Our team are all about working alongside your treating team and actively collaborating with all involved to support your recovery and return to daily life activities, our approach offers you peace of mind as you pursue your unique ‘potential’.
Our team provides best practice interventions, that assist all injured or ill workers achieve their wellness outcomes through returning to work with your pre-injury employer, or by finding suitable alternative employment with a new employer. We are of the opinion that early identification of risks and barriers is paramount to assisting you to return to a normal routine. We use a number of validated and proven approaches to risk assessment, that guides your recovery and return to work planning.
Our approach is underpinned by regular and systematic communication with you, your employer and their insurer, your treating doctor and treating practitioners, as we believe this method is the cornerstone of good case management and ensures that your support team are in agreement with the ultimate goal of recover at work and you returning to normal routine.
We use a biopsychosocial approach to recovery and injury management enabling us to develop in collaboration with all parties an individual tailored centred intervention plan for each injured or ill worker. Ensuring all considerations for the injured and or ill workers, health problems and their social context is included. Our unique approach also means you will benefit from tailored solutions that are specific to your situation.
The biopsychosocial approach is considered best practice standard, supported by the WHO and forms the basis of the World Health organisations’ International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF), this approach is accepted widely as the framework for disability and workplace rehabilitation intervention.
Our suite of other services provided to assist you in recovery and return to normal activities includes;
Activity of Daily Living Assessment
Is an objective assessment of your functional ability in regards to your abilities to perform self-care, domestic maintenance and general community mobility tasks. The focus is always to provide improved independence while maintaining safety. We identify necessary care which may include the recommendation for adaptive equipment, mobility aids and coordination of domestic assistance. All with the goal of restoring your quality of life. Your assessment will be conducted by qualified and experienced team member.
Medical Case Conference
Our team will collaborate with your treatment team to assist you to focus on your recovery goals, review and discuss your treatment options that will assist you on your recovery journey, and coordinate all treatment strategies that focuses on supporting your recovery and improving your health and purpose.
Seeking Employment
We use motivational interviewing, positive psychology and continued goal setting to support your efforts in gaining employment, our team will provide support and strategies to help you manage employer rejection, deal positively with feedback, maintain motivation during your continued recovery from injury or illness
Transition to Work
Education or Training Assistance
Training Program
JobCover Placement
Our team undertakes client-centred assessments to assist in gaining a full understanding of you, your capacity and the services and supports that are right for you and as just as important a return to normal routine.

Our suite of other services provided to assist you in recovery and return to normal activities includes;
Functional Capacity Evaluation (FCE)
Is an objective measure of your ability to perform pre-defined daily living and (where appropriate) work-specific functional tasks. This valuable tool assists in determining your physical capacity and level of independence, it can assist your treating professional in the planning of your recovery journey. It can also assist in ascertaining readiness to return to work or to graduate your return-to-work program, all assessments are tailored to your specific needs and are conducted by a qualified and experience Occupational Therapist, Physiotherapist or Exercise Physiologist.
Worksite Assessment/ Job Task Analysis (or Physical Demands Assessment)
Job Task Analyses can be completed through conducting a worksite assessment with you (or designated employee undertaking the same duties/tasks) and your employer or reviewing the usual duties of a certain occupation. Photographs of job tasks and person performing them are provided with consent from you and your employers. Your assessment is conducted by a qualified and experienced Occupational Therapist, Physiotherapist or Exercise Physiologist.
Ergonomic Assessment
Mediation (Workplace Facilitated Discussion)
Vocational Assessment
Labour Market Analysis
Earning Capacity Assessment (ECA)
We also investigate information relating to the worker’s pre-injury employment to ensure that the suitable employment options identified take into account the nature of their pre-injury role. Next, we look to establish the historical and current vocational components of the workers’ status; to establish their education, skills and work experience as well as demographic information such as their age and place of residence. Your assessment will be conducted by qualified and experienced Rehabilitation Counsellors, Psychologists or Vocational Rehabilitation Specialists, Occupational Therapist, Physiotherapist or Exercise Physiologist.